Top 10 Ways To Make Money While Traveling the World


Traveling the world is everyone’s dream right? Bali followed by Sri Lanka, then off to Peru, Christmas in Canada and Easter in Rome. Heaven! But it can seem a bit like a pipe dream. Well get packing, because today I’m here to share with you the top 10 ways to make money while traveling the world!

1. Be an Influencer

I have been a “influencer” for almost two years now. What does that even mean?!
Technically, an influencer refers to: someone who affects or changes the way that other people behave, for example through their use of social media (Cambridge Dictionary). 
Or the way I describe it is: sharing things I love with my audience and encouraging them to either try that same experience or product (Renee Dictionary).
Being an influencer requires some sort of following, whether that be through Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, a blog etc. You definitely don’t need 50K+ followers to start collaborating with brands such as tourism boards, hotels, airlines, fashion labels and more. In fact, brands are increasingly working with smaller accounts (or “micro-influencers”) to get their message/products out to the world.


2. Start a Travel Blog

If you’re serious about traveling, start a travel blog! Don’t be fooled, it will take time, effort, and a decent camera and editing skills but if you’re passionate (and dedicated) you can start monetizing your blog and begin your globe trotting adventure.
The choices to monetize a travel blog are endless, including sponsored brand deals, affiliate links, press trips, selling your own digital products such as ebooks (hello passive income streams!), or by running online workshops.
Many travel blogs earn $1000+ per month through ad revenue, online sales and sponsored content – plenty to keep you going on the road! 

3. Manage Social Accounts for Brands

Not super keen on being an influencer or having your own blog? Not a problem – become a social media marketing manager!
We live in a world where it seems like every brand has an Instagram account or blog… but it’s time-consuming and many brands out there just don’t have the resources or skills to do it themselves. That’s where you come in – you can manage the social accounts for brands and businesses!
Running the social media channels for other businesses is an awesome way to earn extra cash, and it can be done from anywhere – as long as you’ve got a laptop, phone and a decent wifi connection. 
There are numerous places to find work. Try out Upwork, LinkedIn or by reaching out personally to brands you love and admire – that passion will really help sell you!

Remote jobs allow you to work from just about anywhere!

4. Sell Your Photographs

So you have a passion for photography – great! Do you already travel to beautiful places and take photos? Have you considered making money off your images to help fuel your adventures?
Selling high-quality images to brands, tourism boards, and online/print publications is an awesome way to make extra cash! Consider directly reaching out to brands that you know would benefit from using your photos for marketing purposes (e.g. hotels, tourism boards), or using stock photo websites where multiple brands can purchase your images.
I make at least 25% of my income from licensing images for all different types of usages, including for print and online magazines, brand catalogs, brand websites, tourism brochures, billboards, etc. 
Tip – be sure to know what your images are worth and don’t supply high-resolution files with unlimited rights unless you are being paid++ for it (rookie mistake).

5. Make Video Content

Not too long ago, YouTube was just a little video platform that no-one beyond videographers and the occasional blogger had heard of. Now, it’s one of the top ranking platforms in the world… but making your own videos and becoming a YouTuber isn’t the only way!
If you’re serious about your craft and willing to use your passion to help others, you can also make money by creating videos for tourism boards, tour companies, hotels and brands across the world. Video content is currently in very high demand.
Need some inspiration to get your mind whirring? Check out The Bucket List Family and Hey Nadine!

An image of my husband’s and mine that has been licensed for numerous publications

6. Begin Freelance Writing

Are words how you express yourself? Do you love to tell stories? Do you dream of being a published writer one day? Well now is your chance! By writing freelance for networks and publications like Matador Network, you can travel, write and get paid for it!
There are tonnes of opportunities out there, whether it’s working for travel magazines and websites or writing gigs for companies doing their blog posts, newsletters, press releases or simply editing pre-written work.

7. Get into Graphic Design

Being a freelance graphic designer is one of the best, and easiest, ways to make money online. As long as you’ve got your laptop you can create designs from a beach in Thailand or the mountains of Utah.
If you’ve got the skills in programs like Adobe Creative Suite and a good eye, then you need to be offering your services online, whether it’s creating logos, designing websites or even social media graphics, there’s a whole world of work out there for you!
Best places to look? Try Dribbble, Fiverr, Sortfolio and People Per Hour to get you started!

8. Become a Virtual Assistant

What are you great at? Super organized? Writer? Artist? Graphic designer? Master of Instagram? Now tell me this – is everyone else as great at that as you are? Heck no!
We can’t all be great at everything, so why not use your skills and passion to help out someone else and make a living for yourself in the process? This is called being a virtual assistant (VA) – and there are people the world over who need them!
It can be anything: content creation, responding to emails, creating graphics, running social media, custom artwork, writing blogs, booking events, editing photos.
Whatever you’re good at, I bet there’s someone out there who needs your skill! And the best part? You can do it from anywhere!
My lovely friend Esther Inman has an excellent online course for learning all the skills to be a successful virtual assistant. I would highly recommend her teachings – CHECK IT OUT HERE!

9. Learn Web Development

Becoming a web developer is one of the top ways to earn money whilst working remotely – and it’s even easier if it’s already something you’re great at! With the rise in sites like WordPress, Wix and Squarespace, it’s now even easier to create beautiful looking websites!
Start with the hotels and hostels you’re staying at. If they have a terrible website, offer to help them out by building a new website – either for money or for a free stay.
If you’re already an accomplished developer, freelance gigs are your new best friend! The demand for great websites is huge! 

10. Teach English Abroad

English is one of the world’s most widely spoken languages and being able to speak, and teach it to others, is a highly sort-after skill. It’s also a brilliant way to earn money and immerse yourself in an entirely new culture and way of life!
There are jobs just about everywhere – Asia, Europe, South America to name but a few, and many companies will pay both your airfare and your apartment costs whilst you work for them – leaving your money free to travel in your downtime.
Teaching English abroad is a great way to see the world and truly get to experience what it’s like to live in another country!

So there you have it, my top 10 ways to make money while traveling the world. I hope you found this useful and it’s given you some serious inspiration! If you’re planning to pack up and start traveling, let me know, I’d love to hear from you! 
Want to know more about how I started my career in photography, blogging and influencing? Stay tuned – I’ll be sharing more about my journey on here soon! In the mean time, you can check out a little of my story here. You also might like this post I wrote about saving money for travel.



Disclaimer – Renee Roaming uses affiliate links to share awesome products and experiences. A small compensation may be received if you click these links and make a purchase, at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting this blog.


  1. You are a great inspiration for me! Thanks for giving these ideas to pursue our dreams as full-time travelers. I am starting as a copywriter, with the goal to become a digital nomad and work while traveling to stunning places of Mother Earth. Again thanks and stay safe! Please keep posting your adventures 🙂 I love your book BTW

  2. Awesome and inspirational post! Already doing number 10 in Vietnam but we definitely want to try our hand at travel blogging! Love all your work and your Instagram – honestly think your photos are absolutely incredible 🙂

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